Last week my school district sent over an "accounting" expert to brief our staff on the district's new "energy savings" policies. Gone are our coffee makers, small fridges, space heaters, etc., and we've made an arrangement with Joe's Garden down the hill to use all their old corn husks for TP! Just kidding...about the last part, but not the first!
With all this knowledge in mind, John and I arrived on Tuesday morning to find that the temperature in the library was a balmy 52 degrees! Apparently, they are also cutting back on heat. By then end of the day (3:30 pm) the temp had risen to a steamy 64 degrees. Shades of things to come.....
You make me feel guilty for having a space heater at my feet. I'm such a weenie, I'd need to be bundled in a blanket all day. Sympathies to you, my friend.
We are bringing blankets, but we have such "up and down" duties--checking books in/out, it makes it hard. I wear scarves, fleece, boots and electric socks 'cause it's so hard for me to keep my feet warm. I'm thankful for a job at this point, so I don't whine too much!
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