Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Last year a robin couple built a lovely nest in our maple tree.  They raised a family successfully and the nest weathered the winter, rain and wind.  So, one would think they might use this nest again this year.  Nope, this robin (I'm assuming it's the same one, but maybe not) decided to build her nest under the eave of the screened in porch.  A good idea in theory, but she's built her nest on top of one of the chickadee nesting boxes....which has a peaked roof.  She built it once and it blew down in one of our spring wind/rain storms.  I thought for sure she'd rethink her plans, but nope.  She's built it again in the same spot and is serenely sitting there day in and day out.  I hope the babies won't "rock the boat" once they reach a good size.  Only time will tell.