Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Gifts That Keep On Giving #1

A few years ago I was visiting Jess in Oregon and we spent an afternoon at Connie's home. Connie's family has basically "adopted" Jess. They take good care of her--lots of home-cooked meals! While I was visiting, Connie showed me her amazing quilting studio which was full of bolts and bolts and bolts of fabric...some of which was already quilted for a special project she and a friend were working on. I was ooohhhing and aaahhhing over one of the bolts of fabric, mentioning what a great vest it would make...I was already picturing it in my mind. Connie graciously cut off some yardage and gave it to me. And now the image in my mind is the image on the blog!
The fabric was prequilted and is a soft, suede-like material in a fawn color!

So, as if that weren't enough, today my friend Jill, from work, comes up to my office after her weekend in Port Orchard. I'm going to teach Jill how to knit and she decided to visit Debbie Macomber's new yarn store in PO. She brought me back treasures: one of Debbie's pattern books that ties into one of her novels and some gorgeous bamboo yarn from a woman who used to own a yarn store in B'ham and was selling her booty at the shop. Both the book and the yarn are signed by their creators...how cool is that?

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