Today was the day. Susan, owner of the Oregon Knitting Company, had to be out of her old digs by midnight tonight. Her "community" assembled this afternoon, bringing with them wheelbarrows, carts, suitcases and in some cases, just arms, and we packed up all that yarn we packed into plastic bags last week and we marched enmasse down the main drag of McMinnville (better known as 3rd Street) the three blocks to the new...albeit inside the McMinnville Mercantile building. Susan has rented a VERY TINY space in the back of this building that houses a variety of businesses. We unloaded our containers into the hall of the new space and we were done. It was a grand party complete with balloons and a photographer from the News Register, the local paper. What fun and what a treat, for me anyway, to be a part of such a great community of people. All week long people have been hauling all the shelving, counters, etc, that are necessary to make this business work into the new space. The shelves have been reconfigured to fit the new space and all the counters have been redesigned to roll on wheels, which means they can push everything out of the way so we can set up chairs for........KNIT NIGHT which premiers in the new space on September 5th!

Lining up in preparation for the parade
No traffic laws were broken during this event, we walked only with the "walk" signals. Cars tooted their horns in appreciation!
Again, this is not a gender specific event!
There were a lot of us! There was a LOT of yarn!
Kids were involved!
No problem, we can improvise!
We're here, and bystanders are VERY curious!
Well, almost all of us are here, there were traffic lights involved!
And last, but not least, our fearless leader, Susan!
Who's got the key, we need to put all this stuff into the new space!
Which is in this building! Come on down!
What fun!! So sweet to have people come together to help solve a problem!
YAY! Mission accomplished! You were busy taking pictures but I hope you also got in on the carrying fun.
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