Sunday, October 29, 2017

October is almost history.  I so dearly love this time of the year, and this year has not disappointed.  We have had a beautiful Indian Summer with temps hovering in the high 60's and low 70's, cloudless skies of cerulean blue and leaves that have outdone themselves in their glory.  There are a few streets near us that are completely lined on both sides with the most brilliant red trees I've ever seen, they literally glow.  Every time we head out anywhere we drive up and down those two streets first!  We have a bit of glory in our own yard, our snowball trees has turned a variety of yellows,reds and oranges.

With all this warmth, I still have a raised bed of lettuces, herbs, kale and a few die hard flowers.  I can't bring myself to do them in until the first frost threatens.

I even have a few sweet peas that finally decided to grow after sitting basically dormant all summer.  The heat was intense this year and they were not pleased and didn't start to grow and climb until things cooled off about 6 weeks ago.  Sweet peas in October...definitely a first for me!

The black-eyed susan vine is still going strong as are the roses.

And Wally has been in a race against the weather.  He has planned for months to put in a "sidewalk" all the way around the house so we have a way to navigate when the rains hit and swamp forms!  He's spent a lot of time measuring and figuring how many 12" cement blocks and bricks he would need to accomplish this task.  Gives me a headache just thinking about it.  But this is his forte, so he's a happy camper.  Thankfully the weather has cooperated and he's made it 3/4 the way around the house.  He's got 3 more days before the weather will change and by george, I think he's going to make it!

The start of the "path"along the back of the house.  Each of this sections has required digging up the sod and leveling out the base for the blocks.

Along the back behind the screened in porch.....

Turning the corner on the side yard......

 A little patio under the trellis that we're training fragrant jasmine vines up!

 The long stretch from the backyard out to the front of the house.

Along the front of the house, the hardest section so far, required a lot of digging and sorting out rocks before he could level it.  And will be finished....and before the rain

1 comment:

Les Hon said...

Wally's project looks terrific!!

And I love that you have so many growing things to enjoy still! Lovely!!