Coffee is about more than just a drink! For some it's become a hobby or a passion and for most coffee drinkers it is also a form of community. "Let's go for coffee" is the new "let's do lunch." I love getting together with a good friend to have coffee and chat, it's one of my favorite things to do
Yesterday was a day off from school and I had the pleasure of spending time with my good friend Eileen, who is actually the librarian who hired me at Sehome. She has since retired...lucky gal! But we try to get together at least once a month. We had originally planned to spend a day together over Christmas break, but the weather nixed that plan. So yesterday we decided to meet at our favorite restaurant on the bay. The presenation of my selection was almost too pretty to eat!

Then afterwards Eileen gave me my belated Christmas present. And it's so perfect: a bejeweled coffee measuring spoon to go along with my handy dandy Aero Press coffee making system that Mauri and Sherry gave me for my birthday (see May's posts). How fun is this?!
1 comment:
I want whatever you were eating! What is it? It looks Greek and so yummy! :)
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