Today is Jess' 25th birthday! On this day, 26 years ago, God answered prayer. Actually, He answered many prayers long before that day. Neither Wally nor I were, shall we say, abounding in social skills or maturity. That we would even find each other is no small miracle. But to then be blessed with a wee one, this was just too much to hope for. All self-deprecation aside, He managed to take the best of each of us and combine them into the wonder of Jessica Kelsey.
Each morning during my pregnancy I would rise early and do some stretching exercises and I would culminate them with a prayer that our child would be healthy, and that he or she would have a kind heart and a gentle spirit. If you know Jess, you know that this prayer was answered in full. But just to remind me that nothing in life is a coincidence, on Jess' final 5th grade report card, her teacher had written several glowing comments at the top, mentioning Jess' leadership skills and telling us how much she appreciated her "very kind heart and gentle spirit". Oh yeah!

Jess made parenting effortless. She was flexible, teachable and eager to please. From day one she was just happy to be with me. When I'd go into her room to get her in the morning, she would be standing in her crib grinning and babbling away. The babbling away hasn't stopped! This girl is articulate and expressive and can tell a story like no one else. Her sense of humor and sarcastic wit will keep you on your toes.
Books were her thing early on!
My girl is beautiful--in and out. Her compassionate heart draws people to her like a magnet and she is always willing to give of her time and herself to aid a friend. She is fiercely loyal and endeavors to see beyond the obvious in people, never hesitating to give the benefit of the doubt.
Poster girl for hats!
She has always had an affinity for children, instinctively knowing how to maintain that difficult balance of "being one of them" without losing the ability to set boundaries and guide and direct them. These innate gifts have made her an ideal teacher as evidenced by the praise she regularly receives from parents who are fortunate enough to have children in her classroom. But Jess never rests on her laurels, she is always striving to learn more and to try new things. She is truly a life-long learner.
I delight in her company because she has managed to maintain her child-like sense of wonder and imagination. She is creative and artistic and she inspires me to step out of my comfort zones. She is bright enough to be brilliant, but humble enough to be willing to learn. She sparkles and lights up rooms and has managed to wrap herself around her Dad's and my fingers and to permanently enlarge our hearts.

Happy Birthday, Jess! You are the very best kind of "dreamer"--you truly embrace life and you live out your faith in very real and contagious ways. You really are a princess and we are so proud to call you "daughter"!
Happy, Happy Birthday to Jessica! She is indeed all that you say, and a treasure. Enjoy celebrating the day God gave her to you!
AMEN, Sister! Happy Birth Day to you, too!
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