How could we say "no"! So on Saturday afternoon our charriot arrives to pick us up and we head south on I-5 and drive...past Mt. Vernon...past Stanwood. Where are we going, we wonder? They giggle, but will disclose nothing! Glen turns off at the Marysville exit and we find ourselves at the Golden Corral which is a chain of buffet restaurants which started in Fayetteville, NC, back in the '70's. We remember Glen and Rena telling us about this place.
We were not prepared for the bounty of mouth-watering choices that awaited us.
Glen couldn't help himself when it came time for dessert, it's hard to "just say NO!"
They were so tickled with themselves for dreaming up this little treat. God brings blessings into my life in so many varied ways!

A balloonist was catching a bird's eye view!
Then it's off to a small putt-putt course somewhere near Redmond. Wally only had directions, so we're not sure what "town" it was actually in, especially since it was in a rural area. It was a grueling match...I won...by 6 strokes...whoo hoo, must have been my birthday or something. We grabbed a bite at the little grill on the golf course, expecting that it would be a minimal menu. Imagine our surprise when we were able to order the lobster louie salad AND the meatloaf sandwich. Our waitress talked us out of ordering more because she claimed the portions were huge. "Oh sure" we thought! But she wasn't kidding!
It couldn't have been a better birthday weekend!

SUNDAY: After church Wally and I made a stop at Greenacres Cemetery to pay our own tribute to those who sacrificed it all on behalf of our country that we might enjoy precious freedom. It is always a moving sight to view the 1300+ flags that are put on display for Memorial Day. They represent a mighty cost.

Afterwards we made a trip out to Birch Bay to watch the sunset. We saw a pair of porpoises having a grand time dipping and diving. A very nice end to a great day.

Wally wisks me off for another mystery tour to Seattle. We walked the Seattle arboretum and were able to catch the last of the blooming rhodies. My favorite part was the trellis full of fragrant wisteria vine. Heady stuff.

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