Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Kiss Is Still A Kiss....but not at Christmas!

Yes, I've heard about the KISS (keep it simple, stupid), and I love that philosophy, but it won't work in this household at Christmas. We have so many Christmas decorations and so little room in which to put them, that the living room is beginning to resemble "Mr. Magorium's Emporium"!
Besides making amazing cookies, Betty Whitaker was also an accomplished ceramicist. She made hundreds of elaborate decorations for every holiday. After refining her own technique, she also began giving lessons out of her home. Most of their Yakima basement was given over to the kiln and the supplies for her craft. Each of the 4 kids have been given the very best of her Christmas items: the village, the Santa house, the church, the sleigh with its bundled-up passengers, and the larger sleigh with some of Santa's reindeer waiting patiently for take off. They are part and parcel of our holidays, and room or no room, out they come! It's crowded, but it's homey and each one bears the tokens of the love and attention to detail that she put into them. Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas without them.

And if you don't have the luxury of a gas fireplace, you have a husband who comes up with a clever alternative, at least from and aesthetic standpoint....a candlelight fire

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